Sunday, December 5, 2010

If my computer had wings

I would throw it! Procrastination is my best friend and my worst enemy. I put off homework to write my book, only to find I still had homework due this week. I loved writing and now I hate writing because this writing makes my head ache...and yet I still sit click click clicking away on the keyboard of my little laptop. Why is that...have I just not had enough? Do I just really want to have a computer screen induced migraine? I don't have a good answer, but I do know that I am going to put this down now. .....

Wait nope, I just came up with an answer.

I don't put the laptop down because even though my eyes are strained, and my head is pounding, my wrists are aching and my fingers feel like rubber bands...I need to get MY thoughts out of my head, not my teachers thoughts, not my classmates thoughts, my thoughts. I need to clear my head and that is so important to me that I trudge on just to write this stuff down. And I know it's not entirely profound or humorous, but I am starting to find that once I start writing and rambling, it's kind of an exponential reaction, there is just SO MUCH TO SAY! And it's not just sometimes, it's all of the time. I have spent the whole day pushing my own thoughts out of my head and they are irritated, they want to be I push my fingers to type a few more letters, my eyes to spell check as I go and my head to forget that it hurts so that these pesky not even remotely deep thoughts can spew themselves all over the digital page.

Okay thoughts, you have the floor you get your way, we are still on the computer...stand up be heard......
Well, that was anticlimactic...but I better take my cue before my brain kicks up again...then again at this rate I hope it is off until at least noon tomorrow!

And now I wonder, can a person be addicted to writing? And if so is that a bad addiction?

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